A Warning

There Once was a time when Wild Magick was free,
Where everything existed and ceased to be,
Where Gods and Goddesses ruled the Earth,
And with their knowledge gave Birth,
Now dark times call once again,
A hero is needed to stop the Pain,
The world is dying because of us,
Now we must learn to wish and trust,
We must re-awaken magick forgot,
And loosen the world from its shackled knot,
Remember the Old ways and follow the lines,
Bring forth the past of olden times,
With their knowledge the Earth shall have life,
Without it nothing but pain and strife,
Don’t ignore the warnings of fate,
Act now I charge you before it’s too late.
Continue reading “A Warning”


by Dr Alena Trckova-Flamee Ph.D.

Opheltes was the son of the Nemean king Lycurgus and his wife Eurydice. He became a well-known hero for his tragic fate, which was caused by his nurse Hypsipyle.
Hypsipyle, who was previously the queen of the island Lemnos, was a slave of Lycurgus in charge of his son Opheltes. One day, when she was walking in the meadows with Opheltes in her arms, she met the seven Argive generals in their march against Thebes. They asked her to show a water-spring for lest their thirst. Hypsipyle put the child in the grass where wild celery was growing, and guided them to a spring hidden in the forest. During herĀ absence a large snake came out from the brushes and crawled around Opheltes neck, strangling him. The soldiers and Hypsipyle returned too late, and found the boy already dead. Lycurgus wanted to kill Hypsipyle but one of the soldiers protected her against his anger.

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