Chinese Checkers!

Last December saw new Government initiatives directed specifically towards imported Chinese medicines. The Oriental community, fearing restrictions on the use of their traditional medicinal herbs, organised a public meeting in Toronto, inviting representatives from Health and Welfare Canada to explain the new Government position.

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SYSOP’S NOTE: This excellent food-for-thought was downloaded from EarthRite BBS, 415-651-9496. – Talespinner, Sysop, WeirdBase
NOTE: This document appears to be adapted from the work of  Amber K in “Covencraft : Witchcraft for Three or More“, 1998 Llewellyn Publications.

Before you go a step further, take a good long look at your desires, motivation and skills. What role do you see yourself playing in this new group? “Ordinary” member? Democratic facilitator? High Priestess? And if the last — why do you want the job?

The title of High Priestess and Priestess are seductive, conjuring up exotic images of yourself in embroidered robes, a silver crescent (or horned helm) on your brow, adoring
celebrants hanging on every word which drops from your lips…

Continue reading “FOOD FOR THOUGHT”