Love your Friend as yourself

by the Kabbalist Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag
(Steps of the Ladder, 1984, 6th essay)


“Love your friend as yourself. Rabbi Akiva says, ’This is the great principle of the Torah.’” This statement implies that if we fulfill the great principle, all of the particulars and details will follow automatically, with no effort on our part. Moreover, there isn’t even anything to do.
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The Need for Love of Friends part 3

by the Kabbalist Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag
(Steps of the ladder, 1984, 3rd essay)

Why have I chosen these friends specifically?…
Why did these friends choose me?…
Isn’t it necessary for each and every one to reveal his love for his associates or is it enough that he feels it in his heart, loving his fellows in private and not revealing the hidden recesses of his heart. Modesty is well known to be a great virtue.

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The Need for Love of Friends Part 2

by the Kabbalist Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag
(Steps of the ladder, 1984, 2nd essay)


“And a stranger found him blundering about in the fields. ‘What are you looking for?’ asked the stranger. ‘ I’m looking for my brothers, replied (Joseph). Perhaps you can tell me where they are tending the sheep?’” (Vayeshev Ex. 37:16-17)
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