
God. Buddhist (Mahayana). One of the most popular deities in the pantheon, though probably owing much to the influence of the Hindu god SˇIVA. Originally an epithet for another Hindu god, GANESA, but in Buddhism seen as an emanation of AKSOBHYA. His SAKTI is NAIRAMATA and the product of their liaison is nirvana (eternal bliss). Typically he stands upon a corpse. In northeastern India, Heruka is worshiped as a compassionate god. Attributes: club, flayed human skin, image of Aksobhya, jewel, knife, fifty skulls, sword, staff and teeth.

Buddhakapala (Buddha’s skullcap)

God. Buddhist (Mahayana). A significant emanation of AKSOBHYA. Alternatively a form of HERUKA. His SAKTI is CITRASENA. Color: blue-black. Attributes: club, cup, drum, image of Aksobhya and knife.


by Dr Anthony E. Smart

The lizard creator god of the Aranda of Central Australia. It is said that he found the undeveloped first beings, the Rella manerinja, on the slope of a hill; these beings were in fact two fused together. Mangar-kunjer-kunja separated them with a stone knife, and cut the openings for their eyes, ears, noses and mouths. Next he presented the stone knife, fire, the spear, the shield, the boomerang, and a sacred object called the Tjurunga to his new creatures. Finally he regulated their marriage system.