Anyone that has ever done Magick knows that it involves resonances and associations.  Magick has many color associations as well as musical associations. We have all experienced the magick of music in contemporary music. Sometimes this can be in the form of attending a concert, othertimes it can be when we are alone and listening to our favorites tunes.  Modern day religious services take advantage of the Magick inherit to music to enhance their worship services. This can be in singing hymns or hearing organ and choral anthems. I’m sure that we will all agree that music in such sitruarions alters our state of being. We are uplifted and changed by the ritual music we experience.  It should be no surprise that the ancient Celts used music in a similar manner.  In Morgan Llwellyn’s “Druids” we find an example of such a Druidic use of music in Magick.  The chief Druid of a village would greet the Sun with song and lead the village each day in welcoming the Sun back from the Underworld.  When the Sun set, another farewell song was enjoined. This practice is still followed by some in Celtic lands to this day. Examples of such incantations and greetings to the Sun may be found in the “Carmenica Gadetica” a vast resources of ancient and rercent Celtic verse and song.

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