Beyond Reason: A New Look At An Old Devil

by Aries

Inside my mind is a court room. It is dark and sombre, a few shafts of light from high slit windows etch out sloping pillars of swirling dust. In the public gallery are a representative sample of the great unwashed; fighting, fornicating, eating, suckling piglets, and other sub-Bosch activities that lend atmosphere to the Baroque wanderings of my imagination. The judge is unhappy. Whatever happens, someone, somewhere, will hate him for it. In the dock are the three grand-dames from Shakespeare’s “Scottish” play, and I am counsel for the defence. The Advocatus Diaboli, I guess. In the witness stand is “Dance with the Devil” by Audrey Harper and Harry Pugh, and grave are its accusations. But first, let’s have its story.
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