
by Anja Heij

The two main characteristics in the psychological image of Staphisagria are oppression and victim.
Staphisagria-personalities have problems with injustice; they cannot stand injustice caused to themselves or persons in their surroundings. They do not stand up against this injustice however, but they react with some passive acceptance of it. They have the feeling that defending them is impossible, or the constant attacks or their personality have simply made them too tired to respond assertively any longer. The background of their passive suffering is often fear of further oppression, fear of sexual abuse, fear of physical violence, fear of mental and emotional ill-treatment, or some out of place feeling of responsibility towards their oppressor. Since they cannot defend themselves they react with withdrawal. There is anger with silent grief and anger with indignation. Fear of authorities.

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by Anja Heij

This remedy is made of the bitter cucumber. The pure tincture of this cucumber causes a spasmodic cramping of all organs within the belly.
Anger and indignation, fury together with irritation can result in heavy, very painful colic, that can only be endured by lying double or by exercising heavy pressure against the painful body-parts. Mostly these heavy colic pains will affect the belly, like menstruation pains, intestine colic, gallstone colic or kidneystone colic. During these attacks people bend double, having the feeling as if two stones are being rubbed against each other in their belly. They are extremely irritable, angry and offended.

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