
Protein is essential for normal growth, cell repair, and the production of hormones, immune cells, and muscle.
Scientists have begun to investigate the health benefits of a particular type of protein: whey protein concentrate, which is derived from milk protein. Unlike whole milk, whey protein concentrate does not contain fat, lactose (a milk sugar that can be hard to digest), or any other undesirable ingredients. What it does contain, however, are six different types of protein that have potent disease-fighting properties.

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DHEA – dehydroepiandrosterone

Known as the “mother of hormones,” DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is needed by the body to produce many types of hormones including estrogen and testosterone. DHEA is secreted by the adrenal glands-located on top of the kidneys-as well as by the skin, brain, testicles, and ovaries. Although women make less DHEA than men, in both sexes DHEA production declines dramatically with age; levels are 80%lower at age 70 than at age 30. The significance of these falling DHEA levels, however, has not been determined.

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