False Unicorn 

MEDICINAL: False Unicorn is very soothing for a delicate stomach. It also stimulates the reproductive organs in women and men. This herb is very important for use during menopause, due to its positive effects on uterine disorders, headaches, and depression.

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MEDICINAL: Feverfew is used to treat colds, fevers, flu, and digestive problems. It is often used to end migraines and other headaches.

MAGICKAL: Feverfew is carried for protection against illnesses involving fever, as well as for preventing accidents.

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MEDICINAL:Basil is used to treat stomach cramps, vomiting, fevers, colds, flu, headaches, whooping cough, and menstrual pains. It is also used to reduce stomach acid, making it a valuable part of any treatment for ulcers, and a valuable addition to any recipe using tomatoes for those with sensitive stomachs. Externally, it can be used for insect bites, to draw out the poisons. It has been used in other countries to eliminate worms from the intestines, and the oil from basil leaves is applied directly to the skin to treat acne.

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– Alcoholism, anorexia, arthritis, epilepsy, gout, headaches, colitis, retardation, memory loss, schizophrenia & manic-depression, phobias, emotional equilibrium, thyroid malignancy, gums, pain, self-esteem.


 — This stone has the ability to be programmed with the powers of ANY OTHER STONE, and then substituted for that stone in any ritual. Great for psychism and as a general magickal power amplifier. Can be used to relieve headaches, reduce fevers and calm toothaches. Great for use in building a magick circle.


Increases  spiritual  awareness,  has  a  calming  and soothing influence, has the ability to transmute negative into positive, and is very effective as a healing stone.  Warmed and placed on  the  forehead and  temples, it  is good  for  headaches.   Has the ability to draw through it forces directed towards the body and repels vibrations which the body doesn’t need, thus releasing only the energy patterns beneficial  to the body.  Best worn in healing near the heart center.    Opens  up  spiritual  and psychic  centers.  Helps  prevent drunkeness.