The Nature and Use of Thralls

Just what is a Thrall?

A thrall is a euphemistic term for a mindless or will-less servitor-creation. When
you think of this, consider what Baron von Frankenstein achieved. The creation is
composed of either a single or composition of elements and then animated by
the power of the sorcerer. A thrall is single purposed and has no will of its own
and so it cannot think or ‘act’ on its own but rather it is programmed to ‘react’
when a given set circumstances happen.

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Introduction to Enochian Magick by: Gerald and Bety Scheuler

Magick is broadly defined as the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will. Any time we will something to happen, and that something comes about, we have conducted a magical operation.
In truth, therefore, we are all magicians. We conduct magical operations all day long, and take them for granted.
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by Caitlin Dieringer, Clarksville Middle School

According to the myths of the Serrano Indians of California, Pakrokitat was the creator. He had a younger brother, Kukitat, who was born from his left shoulder. They were always quarreling. Kukitat disagreed with how Pakrokitat made man. After this Pakrokitat left the world and retired to his own world, Panamam, which he made, the island of Payait. Kukitat made death come to the world. The souls of the dead had to come to Pakrokitat’s world after they visited the three beautiful goddesses. Pakrokitat made this happen. Kukitat made men divide into nations and fight each other when Pakrokitat left. After a while the men that were fighting got tired of Kukitat and killed him.

Soul Mates – Our Magic Mirror

by Anita Asman

The subject of soul mates is an intriguing one for most of us. We are curious to know how we can meet our soul mate, if maybe we have already met our soul mate without even realizing it, or why the relationship with a soul mate, especially if it is of a romantic nature, can be difficult many times. Mostly, When we think of soulmates, we refer to the romantic level, believing our soul mate must be the person with who we can make a better and richer life happen. While ultimately this is true, there are almost always some stepping stones on our way, lessons we have to learn, and exactly here our soul mate steps in.

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