Bee Products

Honeybees not only are smarter than computers, they can outperform them in other functions, too. They can see in color, smell, fly, walk, maintain their balance, navigate, do chemical engineering, manufacture, repair, protect, take out the garbage, control indoor climate, and even relocate when necessary. They do all of this and more without any outside assistance or direction. They function independently.

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Enhances  mental  functions.  Aids  circulation.  Strengthens blood, physically and  etherically.   Strengthens  pineal  and pituitary  glands.  Releives  stress.  Relates  to  the  moon, subconscious,  female  aspect.   Emotional   balance.   Speech improvement. Excellent energy conductor.





– Draws out impurities on all levels, balances L & R brain functions, mental illness, co-ordination and vision, radiation eliminator, evil eye protector, all purpose healer, especially in solar plexus & good for healers.

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Enhances thyroid functions. Reduces stress. Relaxing, peace of  mind.   Accelerates   growth.   Aids   personal   creative expression.  Helps  one adjust to higher, more rarefied states of awareness.  Truth, reliability. Clear speech. (5)


The three destinies of Lleu Llaw Gyffes

Alby Stone

In the different branches of Indo-European tradition, social structure is ritually legitimized in myth and religious observance, which reflect the Proto-Indo-European social organisation into three distinct strata, or as Georges Dumézil terms them, functions. The first function is usually termed ‘sovereignty’; it relates to rule and the ritual maintenance of order. It can be sub-divided into the magico-religious and the temporal-juridical, represented socially by priests and kings respectively.

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