COUCHGRASS (Agropyron ropens) 

This herb is diuretic, demulcent and aperient. It is very useful in the many conditions of cystitis, nephritis and other urinary affections. It was used successfully in Victorian times for gout and is of help in various forms of rheumatism. In cases accompanied by feverishness and infusion of the dried or fresh herb (30 grams to 500 mils) may be taken in wine-glassful doses frequently.

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Jahannam (the Islamic Hell)

by Alan G. Hefner

Jahannam (Hebrew, gehinnom; Greek, gehenna) is the Islamic hell mentioned frequently in the Qur’an, It has seven gates (Qur’an 59. 71; 15. 43) and different levels, the lowest being the tree Zaqqum and a cauldron of pitch and fire. Punishments are in accord to the gravity of sins — a theme much elaborated on by later commentators. Continue reading “Jahannam (the Islamic Hell)”