
Anthriscus cerefolium
Chervil, a dainty annual that grows from 30 to 45 cm (12 to 18 inches) tall, is native to southern Russia, the Caucasus, and perhaps the Middle East.
Under the right conditions, plants may spread out to twice their height. The finely divided leaves resemble parsley, but are a lighter green and more feathery. There are both curly and flat-leaved forms. Foliage has a subtle anise flavor and fragrance, with a slight hint of pepper.

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History and Information on Dragons

Among the oldest of mythological creatures, dragons appear in the traditions of virtually all peoples back to the beginning of time. Because of this widespread adoption, the dragon appears in numerous forms, and local traditions have been created around many of them, crediting this tribe of monsters with many attributes. In their earliest form, dragons were associated with the Great Mother, the water god and the warrior sun god. In these capacities they had the power to be both beneficient and destructive and were all-powerful creatures in the universe. Because of these qualities, dragons assumed the roles taken by Osiris and Set in Egyptian mythology.

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~ Chakras & Meditation ~

According to East Indian philosophy, man possesses seven major *Chakras* or psychic centres on his body. Each of these forms a bridge, link, or energy transformer; changing pure (higher) energy into various forms, and connecting the four bodies (ie. spiritual, mental, astral, and physical) together. The Chakras are located along the nadies (a network of psychic nerves or channels) and follow the autonomic nervous system along the spinal cord.

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Nucleic Acids

Nucleic acids occur in two forms: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). Both are linear, unbranched polymers of subunits termed nucleotides. DNA is found in the nucleus of eukaryotes and the cytoplasm or nucleoid of prokaryotes and functions as the molecule of heredity. RNA molecules are synthesized on DNA templates and participate in protein synthesis in the cytoplasm.

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by Alan G. Hefner

The antiquity of the worship of the god or gods of Baal extends back to the 14th century BCE among the ancient Semitic peoples, the descendants of Shem, the oldest son of Biblical Noah. Semitic is more of a linguistic classification than a racial one. Continue reading “Baal”