Comfrey – (symphytum officinale)

hardy perennial, not suitable for pots indoors but good patio plant. Also known as slippery root, knit bone, blackwort. Comfrey is high source for potassium for garden, choice source, boil fresh leaves for golden fabric dye, good feed for racehorses, cure for septic sores on animals in poultice. Place a piece of the root into each bag of your luggage to ensure the safety of your bags during traveling. Not for human consumption

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Betony –

(stachys officinalis, Betonica officinalis, Stahys betonica) Also called bishopwort, wood betony, purple betony, hardy perennial, good in great large container, Leaves used in tea usually mixed with other Herb’s such as mint and lemon verbena. Flowers taste very sweet and can be added to sherbets, ice creams and fruit salad, powder used as herbal smoking mixture. Fresh plant provides a yellow dye, as a hair rinse good for highlighting graying hair, DO NOT TAKE ROOT INTERNALLY. Power to expel evil spirits – Druids sacred herb use to dispel nightmares and despair. Burn at Midsummer Solstice for purification and protection – also sprinkle at doors and windows for same.

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