*Herkimer Diamond*

*Herkimer Diamonds are strong healers; they harbor all the healing powers of Clear Crystal Quartz in them.
*Although this stone is called “Diamond” the Herkimer Diamond belongs to the family of Quartzes but received the name by its outstanding beauty and they are found in Herkimer County, New York.

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Diamond by Rhiana Moonstar

Projective. Element: Fire. (Carbon) Powerfully absorbs and amplifies thoughts/attitudes of user, other gems, and wearer’s strengths and weaknesses. Prosperity, generosity vs. misery; love vs. distrust; overview, spirituality vs. lust, immediate gratification. Used with loving, clear intent; clears blocks, opens crown chakra; spiritual love, peace. Clarity, trust, confidence. Cleanse thoroughly it can hold our other’s previous attitudes, emotions. Ancients also used for detoxing.


*For eyes, blood plasma, against blood poisoning, epilepsy, helps in case of poisoning and for concentration, brain, pituitary gland, blood circulation, cartilage, throat, skull, shoulders, reproductive organs and vitality, against gout, yellow fever, addictions, fear, insecurity and jealousy.
*Diamond is used as a meditation stone; this stone enhances spirituality and is seen as the highest form of transformation because Diamond consists of pure carbon, a substance that also makes up coal.
*Diamond is the embodiment of peace and cures insomnia and nightmares.

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Brings fierceness, strength and fortitude.  Strengthens friendships and protects from evil, disease and plagues.  If set in gold it drives away night monsters…When stolen attracts negative vibrations.  Diamonds require cleaning often.

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Dragon Zodiac corrispondence


Colour: Red
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Stone: Diamond
Flower: Geranium
Description: Energetic, impatient, lacking in foresight, short tempered, sarcastic, witty, lucky, demanding, sharp minded, cutting, egocentric, adventuresome, feisty

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