
The most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis, also known as wear-and-tear arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis,  caused by inflammation of the joints. Although the two conditions are very different, they are both characterized by the destruction of connective tissue, specifically the cartilage: the substance that lines the joints. When the cartilage wears down, it leaves the bone endings exposed; the result can be pain, stiffness, and swelling of the joints. Recently touted as the so-called arthritis cure, glucosamine is a natural constituent of cartilage that stimulates the production of connective tissue in the body.

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The Vitamin Cure

Healing 6 Common Ailments


“Vitamin C s the most improtant vitamin for building up your immunity,” says Dr. Fairbanks. She recommends a gradual build-up of vitamin C to one-to-two grams daily. However, she warns, do not increase your dosage to one gram in one day. Work up to that.

The notion that unlimited intake of vitamin C is risk free is a myth, (Too much C can cause diarrhea, even gallstones) Your best bet is the doctor-preferred form–sodium or calcium ascorbate–which can minimize risks.

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What are the Bach Flower Remedies?

by Anja Heij

The Bach Remedies form an effective and easy-to-learn nature cure, developed for the healing of illness, the preventing of disease and the improvement of personal development.
The 38 Bach Remedies are prepared from wild flowers and the blossoms of trees, except for one remedy that is made of water from a healing well. The essence of the plants he used contain the contrary vibration of certain disharmonic mental or emotional states.

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