Dragon Spell Box

Buy or make a box out of any material you like, decorate it with dragon images and dragon runes. Soon I will have dragon runes on the site. Anyway a recent photo of yourself, 1 quartz crystal, 1 pyramid any size if you can’t buy one make a paper one and three small squares of paper. Write out your three wishes, place in the box. Place crystal on top of wishes, then place the top on. Align the box to face true north in a place it won’t be disturbed. Place photo on top, put pyramid on top and align to the directions. Hold palms of your hands around your box and say three times with great feeling:

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Crystal Countdown into Alpha

The Crystal Countdown is a mediation method taken from Laurie Cabot’s book entitled, “Power of the Witch.” It is a method based on Pythagorian principles of color and number, to count down into a trance-like state, called alpha.

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My crystal is round/hexagonal shape crystal. The colour is brownish/black with a little red in it.

Strong help to balance your energy system, stimulate your desires and uplift your attitude. Draws happiness, power, possessions, and peace. Aids in patience, persistence, sexuality, and purification. Sharpens self-perception. Increases creative energy and sexual appetite. Enhances bodily strength, endurance, and vigor. Protection against thieves. Helps to align the emotional body to the spiritual body. Sleeping with it will help you remember your dreams.

Continue reading “CRYSTAL – GARNET”


 — This stone has the ability to be programmed with the powers of ANY OTHER STONE, and then substituted for that stone in any ritual. Great for psychism and as a general magickal power amplifier. Can be used to relieve headaches, reduce fevers and calm toothaches. Great for use in building a magick circle.



My one is a clear terminated structure (male).
Astrological sign for all.

Known as “Ice of Eternity.” All-around healer and amplifier. Capable of dispersing white light into the seven spectral colors. Aligns one’s consciousness with the electromagnetic forces of the universe, helping each of us find our own inner light that connects us with the One Light. Magnifiers of psychic and healing energies. Used to help focus and amplify one’s thoughts or intentions.

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Crystal & Stones Magick

So, how do Stones and Crystals work then?

Crystal are a naturally occurring form of each element, whereby the basic structure of the atoms contained within the Crystal are absolutely perfectly aligned, creating a perfect lattice, the most compact form that the elements of the Crystal can form. Although the atomic structure of Crystals wasn’t discerned until this century, people have long been drawn to the forms of Crystal that can be found, either for their beauty or how they feel to the touch. Tis only natural then that with having these Crystals around them that those sensitive to their power would begin to work out what they could be used for.

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The Agate strenghtens victories of all kinds.  Gives courage, strength aids in awakening the inner self for receptiveness.  Protects and wards off the evil eye, keeps away bad dreams, cures insomnia.  A triangular one is good for intestinal problems and makes the wearer agreeable.