CHERRY: (Prunus serotina)

A Druid sacred tree, chips of the wood or bark were burned at Celtic festivals especially Sabbats. Also known as Black Cherry, Wild Cherry or Chokecherry (P. virginiana). Chokecherry bark tea is used to clear the throats of singers and public speakers, the powdered berries were once used to  improve the appetite. If you’ve never tried chokecherry jelly, you’ve missed a real treat. CAUTION:The stone is poisonous.

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Cherry Plum

Prunus cerasifera
Cherry plum is one of a large family of small flowering trees that includes many of the ornamental blossoms of the spring garden. Cherry plum grows 6-8m high though often it is trimmed for hedging when it suckers easily. The tree grows ragged with a rounded head, and it is generally without thorns. The leaves are oval (2-3cm), toothed and glossy green, appearing after the flowers. The flowers are stalked, pure white, five-petalled (20mm across), with numerous prominent stamens. The fruit, which only sets occasionally, is the color of ripe tomatoes. This is the first white blossom of the year. It comes out before the Damson or Sloe (P. spinosa) with which it might be confused-Sloe has smaller flowers, it is definitely spiked with thorns and has a black (Blackthorn) bark rather than the dull brown of Cherry plum.

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