Candesvara (the lord of Canda)

Minor god. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). A benevolent aspect of SˇIVA. Also an attendant on Sˇiva, said to have been a youthful cowherd. He sits on a lotus throne. Attributes: arrow, ax, bow, club, crown, hatchet, noose, rosary, snake, trident and water jar.

Canda (violent)

Terrible goddess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). A distinct form of DURGA and one of a group of nine NAVADURGAS (“nine durgas”). Canda, with Munda, was also one of the demons killed by a form of Durga known as CAMUNDA (contraction of the two demonic names). She is depicted with a large number of attributes. Also a form of MAHISASURAMARDINI.