
Vaccinium myrtillus
The herb known as the bilberry, botanical name – Vaccinium myrtillus, belongs to the heath family, and is related to the blueberry. More than 450 species of plants are included in the genus Vaccinum, most of which can be found growing in cool temperate latitudes and along mountain ranges in the northern and southern hemispheres. There are many plants in this family which are deciduous or evergreen shrubs, this is suited to the temperate climate they grow in.

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Herbs Most Commonly Used In Magick by Property

CURSING: Balmony root, blueberry, cruel man of the woods, Guinea pepper, knot grass, black mustard seed, pepper tree leaves, poke root, poppy seed, rue, tormentillia, twich’s grass, valerian, wormwood, chicory root, flaxseed, jimson weed, mullein, red chincona bark, skunk cabbage root, yohimbee root, pepperwort.
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