Apollon   ah PAHL lon

The immortal son of Zeus and Leto

The name usually appears in the Greek texts as Apollon, or Phoibos Apollon, Phoibos meaning ‘shining’ or ‘bright’. Leto traveled far and wide to find the suitable birthplace for Apollon. She finally came to the rocky island of Delos and knew that this would be the birthplace of her glorious son. The goddess, Delos, made Leto swear a great oath on the river Styx that her new son, Phoibos, would not abandon his birthplace and that he would always keep his temple on the humble island. Leto agreed, Apollon was soon to be born on Delos.

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Think for Yourself; Question Authority

by Anja Heij

The famous magician and occult writer Donald Michael Kraig commences his teachings by writing down the following characters on a blackboard: TFYQA, which means Think For Yourself; Question Authority. It is a sign of his greatness of mind and openness towards the spiritual path of others. In fact he says: “This is what I have come to know and these are my experiences. Consider my words and try out for yourself if what is truth for me also is truth for you. Absorb the wisdom of the outer teacher, turn inwards to hear the soft voice of the inner intuitive teacher, and let the child of both forces be born as your own wisdom. No matter how educated, experienced, famous or spiritually evolved the teacher may be, your own judgements and decisions count even more.”

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