INANA (queen of heaven)

ORIGIN Mesopotamian (Sumerian) [Iraq]. Goddess of fertility and war.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 3500 BC to 1750 BC.

SYNONYMS Inninna; IS ˇ TAR [Akkadian]; Nin-mesar-ra (lady of a myriad offices)

CENTER(S) OF CULT Unug [Warka]; also Erbil and Nineveh.

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ORIGIN Canaanite [northern Israel, Lebanon and Syrian coastal regions]. Creator god.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 2000 BC, and probably earlier, until circa 200 BC or later.


CENTER(S) OF CULT Ugarit (Ras Sˇamra), but also generally throughout areas of Canaanite influence.

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Humbaba / Khumbaba / Hubaba / Hum-ba / Humhum / Huwawa

Region: Babylon, Akkadia, Sumer
Time Period: 2000 to 650 BC
References in Literature: Epic of Gilgamesh
Sources: Ancient Deities, p270, Python, Illiana, Circle of the Dragon, Mythinglinks, and others
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Underworld goddess. Egyptian (Lower). Very little is known of Heret-Kau. She was recognized chiefly in the Old Kingdom (27th to 22nd centuries BC), apparently concerned with guardianship of the deceased in the afterlife and sometimes appearing as a figurine in attendance on ISIS in building foundations.


ORIGIN Greco-Roman, perhaps preceded by Etruscan. God of fire and smithies.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 1500 BC until Christianization (circa AD 400).

SYNONYMS Hephaestus (Roman).

CENTER(S) OF CULT sanctuaries on Lemnos and, from circa 450 BC, in Athens opposite the Acropolis on the hill above the Agora. Also a significant shrine at Ephesus.

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HERYSˇAF (he who is upon his lake)

ORIGIN Egyptian. Primeval deity associated both with Osiris and Re.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP from circa 2700 BC, and probably earlier, until the end of Egyptian history (circa AD 400).

SYNONYMS Arsaphes (Plutarch).

CENTER(S) OF CULT Hnes (Ihnasya el-Medina) near Beni Suef.

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HERAKLES (the fame of Hera?)

ORIGIN Greek. Heroic god.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 800 BC, but probably originating from a prehistoric model, until Christianization (circa AD 400).

SYNONYMS Heracles (Roman).

CENTER(S) OF CULT none specific.

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ORIGIN Western Semitic regions and Israel (northern Hebrew tribes) [Syria, Lebanon and Israel]. Creator god.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 2500 BC to 700 BC.

SYNONYMS et elyon (most high god); et sadday (god of the mountain); et olam (everlasting god); et betel (god of storms), IL [southern Arabian].

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