Bast, Perfumed Protector, Cat Goddess

In ancient Egypt the cat was worshipped as a sacred animal – the mother or creator.

Bast is the Egyptian Goddess and protector of cats, women and children. She is Goddess of sunrise. Her goddess duty changed over the years, but, she is also known as a goddess of love, fertility, birth, music and dance.

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The only fully developed cult of the cat existed in Egypt and it lasted for over 3,000 years. No one knows when the cat was first sanctified in Egypt.
Bast wasn’t associated with Isis until the New Kingdom, about 1600 bce and later. When associated with Isis it came to be recognized as the incarnation of deity, and it was the daughter of Isis and her husband, the sun-god Osiris (Osiris was also a Moon-god) (Isis was also a Sun/Moon/Earth Goddess by then).

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