My Silverlining Wellness Development

This beautiful life…..
My personal story
I have journeyed, gathering information knowing that there is more to life than mere existence.

From a young age I wanted to be a psychologist. I came across life coaching and it changed my world.

Me, like you, have had many frustrations, struggles and heartaches which made me feel “what is the point of this life”. I realised that we can be our own greatest cheerleader by changing the way we think which in turn changes our behaviour. This in turn changes our feelings and how we respond to this life. Life can either be good or bad, it all depends on how we perceive it.

I also realised that once we “go down the rabbit hole” stuck with our own destructive thoughts, it is very difficult to get out of the same stinking thinking. For me, communication is very important to release the emotions and working through the events.

I have gone looking for answers to discover and create the life I wanted for myself.
I offer life coaching sessions which helps you with your own goals, relationship matters, phobias and really anything that you perceive that is holding you back. With this I also offer a spiritual massage called Antaneea Therapy which works with angel oils and sprays, helping you to release the emotions locked in the body.
As you are a magnificent being holding the answers, let me be your coach helping you discover your awesomeness!

Contact Charmaine Roodt:

Facebook Page

Call 079 175 0308


This is an annotated list of Buddhist books that I hope will be useful and entertaining

We will first look at some basic books that will help one get a feel of the issues as presented by the three basic traditions of Buddhism in the West–Theravada, Mahayana, and Zen. Secondly, we shall look at a wide variety of popular and scholarly works. They will be presented in no particular order. This is by no means an exhaustive list.
Bad books will be scrupulously avoided.

Continue reading “A BUDDHOBIBLIOGRAPHY — Bruce Burrill”