Erida   er E da

The Goddess Hate

The wearisome goddess, Erida, or Hate, can best be invoked by reading the opening lines of Book 11 of The Iliad. After Dawn sheds her gentle light on mortals and immortals alike, Zeus sends Hate to the encampment of the Akhaians (Achaians). She stands on the centermost of the beached vessels and SCREAMS!!! The hearts of the soldiers are hardened as they awaken. They no longer remember their fathers or their wives and children. They rise from their beds with Hate ringing in their ears. In their hearts, they long for the sweetness of battle. Only blood will dispel the sanguine thrust of Hate.

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About Human Relationships

To be awaken, one needs to simplify one’s life and realize that it is the ego (or the collective thought and emotional patterns) that create a world that separates you from the rest of the world… and thus the process of awakening can never be reached, since “life” then is based on a fabrication of your thoughts and emotions… this is because the ego hasn’t yet integrated its real function, which is to SERVE the physical body and protect it… But the ego is also important to help us live in the world and develop interrelations with other things and human beings… So are there ways to help the sincere seeker to change the ego’s mental and emotional patterns? Yes there is a very good way of bringing the necessary transformations… and this new way allows you to perceive others differently. Let me explain:

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