Mysts of Annwfn
Book of Shadows
The following ritual calls for the participation of eight people, and is best performed at a large gathering. The participants include: The Maiden Goddess, the Young Lord, the High Priestess, the High Priest, and the four Watchtowers.
Specific items needed for this ritual are: a Crystal Ball, a cross of rushes, a mat, a basket, a phallic wand, a sprig of evergreen, pieces of paper, cakes, wine, and basic Altar and ritual equipment. All participants shall write upon the paper things and qualities they wish to gain during the coming season, and then place them in the basket prior to ritual.
Candlemas is the festival of the Flame, and is best performed at night. This is Brighid’s celebration. Winter is bade farewell, and as Spring approaches, it’s a time to think of love.
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