1.Many have failed to see the True Nature of Mankind.
2. For mankind know not the true Splendour that is me.
3. I give this message unto you so that you can pass it onto the Children of the Beast.
4. For He is a lie, He is a sin.
5. Mankind knows naught but shame.
6. They fear the truth, and they reject reality.
7. Hath not the Will to Learn, though hath the Will to teach.
8. He teaches them all lies. For all He Knows are Lies.
9. The New Aeon has come. As It has been foretold.
10. The Beast has risen. He is that who has lied to You all.
11. The One claims to be the Son of Jehovah. Though He is the Son of the Beast.
12. A Child portrayed by Sin and engulfed in Shame.
13. He died for Your Sins, though he hath no name.
14. The Only Sin Mankind knows is Shame.
15. As they ate from the Tree of Life, they were blinded by the Lies.
16. He claims that these Lies are reality. That the Liar is the Beast.
17. The Only Way to Salvation is through the death of Desire.
18. Salvation is the Key.
19. The Key of Man is Sin.
20. The Sin of Man is Shame!
21. If thou teaches Sin then thou know only Shame.
22. the Book of Sin is the Book of Shame.
23. His disciples taught lies.
24. They taught fear.
25. They taught slavery.
26. They taught Shame.
27. They claim to do Jehovah's work.
28. They claim to be prophets.
29. Has it not said that to beware the false prophet?
30. Though the prophet himself was false?
31. He taught lies and He taught fear.
32. I repeat this to You.
33. The truth is inside Of You.
34. Apostils brought forth the Lies from Heaven.
35. The Lies are the Book of Truth.
36. Mankind reject these truths.
37. For You are ignorant and You are hypocrites.
38. You ignore the Truth and follow Lies.
39. Which of His revelations came true?
40. Let the Word be burnt!
41. Spit in the eyes of the False Ones.
42. Let none stride You away from achieving Your Desire.
43. Desire is a lie.
44. Then Jehovah created the world with his word of Command.
45. Though when He sent his son down for us to pray with He hath sent an impostor!
46. For Christ was a fake. He was a Son of The Beast.
47. Created into manifestation through the lies of the One.
48. These are the truths that you hear.
49. For the truth lies inside us all.
50. For if we naught look within, we shall never find it without.
51. The Nature of Man is this: Lies, lies, lies!
52. Lies taught by Jehovah's Son?
53. No. Lies taught by the Child of the Beast.
54. For this is the Age of Truth.
55. The One and Twenty centuries of the Earth shall We know the Truth.
56. The Book is written. It cannot be erased.
57. The Lies are in our minds and must be denied.
58. Teach not lies Thou servants!
59. Teach love and Wholeness.
60. Teach Forgiveness and Condemn not to death!
61. It is written to command death.
62. Thou shalt never condemn to death.
63. Ye shall never subject Another to discrimination.
64. For the Prophet said "Love All Unto the Being".
65. Let these truths hold near to You.
66. Let them always Be.
67. For just as You are here to Be, Let the Truths be known to thee.
68. The truths said are those by Man.
69. Follow not their empty lies.
70. With the grace of the One unto You all.
71. By the powers of Love and Life.
72. Spread my Word and Teach them the Truth!


Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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