
Latin Name Piscidia erythrina
Parts Used Bark
Gender Masculine

Magickal Uses Write the name of St. Michael on the bark, and carry as an amulet for protection. It is also often used to create Books of Shadows, as it is an herb of secrets. The oil of the flowers may be used for the same purposes, though could be rubbed onto an envelope to keep its contents from prying eyes. May also be secretly applied to a lover to secure they are honest. Use a dogwood wand on Lammas, or any ritual, as the four petals of the flower symbolize the four directions.
Medicinal Uses Chewing dogwood sticks will whiten teeth, as told by Native Americans. The inner bark and berries are used to treat malaria, fever, pneumonia, colds and similar illnesses. A poultice may be applied to sores, bruises and aches, to alleviate the associated symptoms

Author: Wendy K. Engela

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