
(Aconitum Napellus) Monkshood

Aconite is a plant which was introduced to England …….  ago.  Reports of it are included in manuscripts of the tenth century downwards.  it is found growing wild in western counties of England and South Wales and was popular as a flowering garden plant.

The poisonous properties of aconite have been used to coat arrowheads for use on humans and animals.

Its medical uses was mainly restricted for the alleviation of muscular and rheumatic pain.  Applied externally to the affected area.

A number of alkaloids have been identified within aconite but the group which is believed responsible for its medical and poisonous activity are the Aconitines.

Aconite is extremely poisonous and the symptoms of poisoning begin with numbness in the mouth, crawling sensations on the skin, vomiting, stomach pains, labored breathing, irregular and weak pulse, giddiness and staggering, eventual cardiac
arrest or asphyxiation.  The mind remains clear.

In cases of poisoning artificial respiration and stimulants are indicated.

Author: Wendy K. Engela

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