
( Herren-Surge )
A Basque spirit in the shape of a seven-headed snake who must be appeased by offerings of human beings (in some stories) but in all it is like a dragon even able to fly when the need arises. It is written that it is born again and again. It grows one head for each year. On the seventh year, as the new head forms it leaps into the sky and falls into the sea with a great roar and steam arises for it is like a from an ember.

People may see this dragon as it falls in flames from the sky into the sea, but not before. It grows in wild isolated places, and if someone should see it, no more heads will grow and the person shall suffer many misfortunes for each remaining in the normal life cycle of the dragon.

Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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