Froach and the Rowan Tree

Region: Scotland
Time Period: Unknown
References in Literature: None
Sources: Dragons and Dragon Lore pg 143-5

Note: This is only a brief summary.

  • Froach swims out to the island when a magic Rowan tree grew to get berries in order to save his lover’s mother’s life. He returned with the berries, safe from the guarding dragon, but is told that he really needs a full branch. So he returns, but the dragon wakes and attacks – delivering a mortal wound to Froach. The princess (his lover) goes into the water to give him a sword and he kills the dragon and makes it back to shore.
  • This story has 2 endings:

    He dies from his injuries
    2. He lives happily ever after with the girl.

Author: Wendy K. Engela

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