GOBNIU (smith)

ORIGIN Celtic (Irish). God of skills including ale brewing.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP early times until Christianization, circa AD 400.


CENTER(S) OF CULT none specifically known.

ART REFERENCES various monumental sculptures and inscriptions.

LITERARY SOURCES Books of Invasions; Cycles of Kings.

Gobniu is known chiefly for his skills as a metal smith and in brewing the immortal beer of the gods. He fashions invincible magic weapons for the TUATHADEDANANN. In his brewing activities he uses a vast bronze caldron, a copy of which was housed in various sanctuaries and was apparently at times associated with the ritual slaughter of kings of Ireland. Gobniu forms part of a triad of deities, the Na tri dee dana (three gods of skill), with Credne, a deity skilful in brazing, and Luchta.

Author: Wendy K. Engela

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