Gandarewa / Kundraw

Region: Persia, Sumeria
Time Period: Unknown
References in Literature: None
Sources: Ancient Deities, p185, Giants, Monsters, and Dragons, p131, Circle of the Dragon


  • “Lord of the Abyss” of Vourukasha, the cosmic sea.
  • Epitaph was “golden heeled” because he was charitable and sometimes gave out the Haoma plant
  • Was a spy for Azhi Dahaki
  • Wanted to destroy the world
  • Was said to have been so huge that its upper body was in the clouds while the lower portions rested in the sea
  • Guardian of another dragon
  • Ate humans


Although it looked doubtful at the beginning, and despite losing many horses and his eyesight, Keresapa (the hero) finally defeated Gandareva by skinning him and dragging him to the coast. And then he rescued his family. The battle look 9 nights and days.

Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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