ORIGIN Nordic (Icelandic) region. Early fertility goddess.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP Viking period (circa AD 700) or earlier to Christianization (circa AD 1100).

SYNONYMS possibly lord.

CENTER(S) OF CULT none known.

ART REFERENCES none known, but probably the subject of anonymous carvings.

LITERARY SOURCES scant mention in various Icelandic codices. Fjorgyn is referred to by Snorri in Skaldskaparmal.

Practically nothing is known about Fjorgyn, though it is suggested that she is the mother of THOR. She may therefore be lord by a different name. May also have been married to, or had a brother by the same name (Fjorgyn). She is mentioned in the Voluspa of the Poetic Edda and is probably the model for the Wagnerian character Erda.

Snorri Sturluson suggests that a god Fjorgvin (Fjorgynn) may have been the father of the goddess FRIGG.

Author: Wendy K. Engela

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