Themes: Pleasure; Playfulness; Divination

Symbol: Palm Leaf

 About Ayizan: Ayizan is the first priestess of voodoo tradition, governing the public places where people gather to celebrate the goddess. As such, she oversees the Mardi Gras exuberant revelry, offering psychic insight and protective energy to keep us out of trouble.

According to tradition, Ayizan is the moral governess of humankind, helping us to balance our desire for pleasure with culpability.

 To Do Today: Combine Ayizan’s psychic side with a traditional Mardi Gras activity: fortune-telling! And, since it’s unlikely that you have palm leaves handy, use your own palm for divination instead. Get out a palmistry handbook (these are often handy at the supermarket checkout, or you can look on the sidebar) and see what future your hand predicts.

Mardi Gras is traditionally a time of unbridled fun before the serious Lenten season begins – so much so that the festivities are overseen by a lady and lord of misrule, who make sure folks really let loose. One activity in particular inspires Ayizan’s energies – that of dancing and tossing grain so that pleasure rains down on all participants. This also banishes evil. Try this yourself, tossing rice or any grain-based cereal around the outside of your home. Then the birds can carry your wishes directly to Ayizan in their beaks!




Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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