ORIGIN Palestinian and Philistine [Israel, Lebanon]. Fertility goddess.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 1200 BC or earlier until circa 200 BC.


CENTER(S) OF CULT Palestine coastal region including Jerusalem.

ART REFERENCES various sculptures.

LITERARY SOURCES inscriptions; Vetus Testamentum.

Asˇtoreth equates with the Syrian goddess ASTARTE, both being modeled on the Mesopotamian IS ˇTAR.

She was adopted, typically, as goddess of both love and war. She is usually depicted wearing a horned headdress. Biblical references include I Kings 11.5 and II Kings 23.13. Solomon is said to have built a temple in her honor near Jerusalem.

The name is said, by some authors, to be synonymous with Asˇtaroth.



Author: Wendy K. Engela

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