Dragon Protection Spell

You will need:

One white or purple candle
One candle to represent yourself
One candle for the Earth Dragon

Cast your magic circle. Stir the Dragon of the Element of the North (Earth). Light the dragon candle and chant these words:

“Earth Dragon strong and true,
Send to me your magic new.
Egg of protection we shall see,
This is my will so mote it be.”

As you chant envision energy moving from the Dragon candle to the candle that represents you. See the energy around your personal candle as a green light in the shape of an egg. When you feel this has been accomplished, light your candle from the dragon candle. Snuff out your candle and put it in a safe place. Anytime you need additional protection light this magically charged candle.


Dragon Full Moon Ritual for healing

Dragons are powerful creatures that can aide in healing, spells, and other ritual workings. This is a full moon ritual honoring and utilising their Power for Healing.

Items Needed:

Quarter Candles: Yellow for East, Red for South, Blue for West and Green for Earth

God and Goddess candles and holders

Altar tile, Bowl of fresh water for Water, Bowl of sea salt for Earth, White or black candle for Fire

Incense (loose, cone or stick) for Air (myrrh, frankincense, sandalwood, jasmine and willow are good for the Full Moon)

Pictures or statues to represent each Elemental Dragon you will call upon (colors can correspond to the elements, or whatever feels comfortable to you)

Cauldron or fire proof container, Matches, Paper and pen (preferably consecrated), Athame, Wand or Power finger

Offering dish and offering cakes/grain/wine/juice

Set Up:

Set up your altar as usual, adding paper and pen and cauldron or fire proof container

Place Quarter candles and the Elemental Dragon representation in each corner

Casting the Circle:

Cast the Circle once, saying:

“I cast this Circle beneath the Full Moon, beneath the Light of the Mother, beneath the watchful eyes of the Dragons. This space is sacred and protected, So Mote It Be!”

Calling the Quarters:

Go to the East Quarter and light the candle. Hold the Dragon statue upwards, and say:

“I call upon thee, O Mighty Air Dragon of the East, to Guard and Protect this Circle. Welcome, and Blessed Be!”

Go to the South Quarter and light the candle. Hold the Dragon statue upwards, and say:

“I call upon thee, O Mighty Fire Dragon of the South, to Guard and Protect this Circle. Welcome, and Blessed Be!”

Go to the West Quarter and light the candle. Hold the Dragon statue upwards, and say:

“I call upon thee, O Mighty Water Dragon of the West, to Guard and Protect this Circle. Welcome, and Blessed Be!”

Go to the North Quarter and light the candle. Hold the Dragon statue upwards and say:

“I call upon thee, O Mighty Earth Dragon of the North, to Guard and Protect this Circle. Welcome, and Blessed Be!”

Evoking the Goddess and God:

Light the Goddess candle, raise your arms, palms up, and say:

“Great Goddess of Dragons, Mother of All, I invite you to this rite tonight, to honor you and to work your magic. Welcome, and Blessed Be!”

Light the God candle, raise your arms, palms up, and say:

“Great God of Dragons, Father of All, I invite you to this rite tonight, to honor you and to work your magic. Welcome, and Blessed Be!”

Place a piece of cake or some of the grains in the offering dish, then pour the wine or juice over it, and say:

“May Your Children never hunger, may Your Children never thirst, and may You be pleased with this offering of bread (grain, cakes) and wine (juice). Blessed Be!”


Grounding and Personal Shielding

If you are new to shielding begin this ritual at the first visible crescent of the waxing moon and repeat every day for one lunar cycle. This will “set” the shield firmly in your subconscious mind, which will then maintain the shield automatically. Afterwards, repeat the ritual each month at the full moon or whenever you feel the need. If desired, this ritual can be performed at solar zenith on the day of the first crescent, and on the day of the full moon.

Needed items:
1) Normal altar equipment
2) Protection or Dragon’s blood oil
3) Protection or Dragon’s blood incense

Perform Draconic Circle Casting

Invite Companion Dragons 

Step 1: Light protection incense and sit comfortably, with back straight (do not strain).  Anoint your “third eye” and your solar plexus chakra with the oil. Breathe deeply and evenly for 9 breaths. Feel yourself become more and more relaxed with each breath.

Step 2: Continue breathing easily while visualizing your spine as the trunk of a great willow. Feel your roots extend from the base of your spine deep into the Earth to anchor you firmly to the ground.

Step 3: With each inhale, begin to draw power and energy up from deep within the Earth.  Feel it rising up through your spine, filling your entire body like sap rising up through a tree.  Feel this energy penetrating every cell of your body, pulsing with every heartbeat.

Step 4: Now visualize great branches sprouting from the top of your head and sweeping gracefully back down to touch the Earth like a majestic willow, completely surrounding, shielding and protecting you. Feel the energy you are drawing up from the Earth spray up from the top of your head like a fountain, to flow down through your branches and back into the Earth, forming a protective sphere of power and energy around you. See yourself comfortably centered within this easily flowing, continuously circulating energy sphere.

Step 5: Reach out with your mind and take hold of this energy sphere. Slowly draw the sphere in around your body, concentrating it there like a second skin. Continue drawing up energy, layer upon layer like an onion, until it is concentrated to a thickness of about 12 inches.  KNOW that nothing beneficial or harmful can penetrate this shield without your conscious consent.

Step 6: Once the shield has settled comfortably into place say:

I call to You, (name of deity), and to you, (name of Dragon), my companion(s)! I ask that You touch this shield with Your powers that they may mix with mine.

Visualize more energy coming from all around you to join with the energy making up the shield until it is so bright you cannot “see” through it. At some point there will be a “blinding” flash and the shield will become transparent to your “sight.” The shield is now complete and fully functional. When this happens, say:

I thank you, my Lord/Lady, and I thank you, my Dragon friend(s) for your energy and assistance. I am now and forever protected from all external influences, emotions, thoughts, and energies that may come to do me harm. Nothing and no one can penetrate this protective shield without my direct conscious consent. So mote it be!


Spell of healing

Needed items: (choose at least one of each category)

1) 6 green (preferred), blue. or white candles

2) cinnamon oil (preferred), vanilla extract, or dragon’s blood oil

3) 3 bloodstones (preferred), ambers, garnets, or clear quartz

4) a picture of yourself

Step 1:Inscribe the candles with one each of the following runes:

Kenaz: healing/physical well being
Eolh: to strengthen the life force
Lagaz: for increased vitality
Tyr: Quick recovery of health
Hagall: to keep harmful influences out (i.e. relapses, infection, or complications)
Wunjo: successful recovery and renewed happiness

Step 2:Anoint each candle with oil and chant at least 9 times:

Dragons of Life and Strength I ask,

Renew my body for its tasks!

Help make me strong, lithe and free,

And accept my thanks now sent to thee!

Place the candles in a circle around the picture of the “patient” and light.

Step 3: Charge the stones by chanting again 9 times:

Dragons of Life and Strength I ask,

Renew my body for its tasks!

Help make me strong, lithe and free,

And accept my thanks now sent to thee!

Place the three stones around the candle.

Meditate a few minutes and visualise the desired end result of the spell. “See” yourself fully recovered and enjoying life to its fullest, your health problem a dim and distant memory. Allow the candle to burn down to the socket. Any candle remains (wax, stubs, whatever) should be placed in a green bag and kept in a safe place until you are fully recovered and then rinse them in salt water to break their connection to you before disposing of them.  Also, at this time it is appropriate to place offering of bread and milk outside as a “thank you” gift for those spirits who helped with your recovery.

Note: This spell can easily be done on behalf of another person. Just place either a photo of the person, or their name written on a piece of green paper, under the pentacle. The chant should then be modified as follows:

Dragons of Life and Strength I ask,

Renew (name)’s body for its tasks!

Help make him/her strong, lithe and free,

And accept our thanks now sent to thee!


Dragon Prosperity Ritual:

1 x Green Candle
1 x Dragons Blood Incense or Prosperity Incense
1 x Dragon’s Blood Oil or Dragons Oil
1 x Green Bag
5 x Coins

1.   Engrave the Prosperity Rune on the candle

2.   Place the green candle on the altar
3.   Place the 5 coins in front of the candle
4.   Place the green pouch in front of the candle next to the coins
5.   Light the green candle and light the incense
6.   Sit for a moment and visualise yourself in a dragon cave with a dragon and all his treasure.  See all the wealth he guards.  In your minds eye, slowly approach the dragon.  Show the dragon your coin.  Then, with great respect ask the dragon to expand your wealth as you say: Oh great dragon of wealth and power, I greet thee in this sacred hour, great good fortune on me now shower, that my prosperity shall blossom and flower.
7.   Stay with the dragon for a short time, listen to what he says, and take heed of his advice.
8.   When the dragon begins to fade, leave his cave and return to the present.  Place a coin inside the green pouch and thank the dragon by saying:  I thank thee great dragon of power and might. For granting my wishes on this night.
9.   Leave the candle to burn for 5 minutes and extinguish the candle.
10.   Repeat this every night until you have place all the coins in the pouch.  When the last coin has been placed into the pouch allow the candle to burn finished

Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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