Celtic Gods and Goddesses

Celtic gods and goddesses serve as powerful symbols within the Celtic culture. They are representative of a stronger, higher power; they are immortal, yet possess human traits. These dualities are signs that we ourselves hold the same dual nature and are able to aspire to greatness.

As stated before, ancient Celtic perspectives on spirituality and mythology is sketchy as little information has survived the test of time.

However, deductions about Celtic gods and goddesses can be determined by observing history of the Romans. This is because after the Romans conquered the Celtic lands, many tribes adopted Roman deities as their own.

Written records were obtained from the nearby people of Wales and Ireland, and these recorded deities would have also been relevant to the Celtic tribes.

Additionally, Celtic gods and goddesses often adorned Celtic artwork such as their tapestries, jewelry and stone work used in building walls and other structures.

This artwork depicted Celtic gods and goddesses, cross-referenced with the surviving documentation of the Celtic culture provide enough information to make logical deductions about the deities.



Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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