Oengus Mac Oc

by Deepa Chelliah, Clarksville Middle School

Oengus Mac Oc, otherwise known as Aengus, is an Irish/Celtic God. He is the god of love, beauty and youth. He is known for his physical beauty and golden hair, and because his kisses become birds. His name means “Son of the Young.” He was the young lad of Dagda. Oengus lived in a mound by the River Boyne.

He was a figure of beauty, wit and charm. Aengus is associated with fatal love. He is said to have dreamed of a beautiful maiden, named Caer, for whom he searched all over Ireland. Eventually, he found Caer chained to 150 other maidens, destined to become swans at the time of Samhain on November 1st. Oengus transformed himself into a swan and was united with the maiden who followed him back to his palace at Brugh na Boinne, on the River Boyne (which is now the modern New Ganges).

Article details:
· Also known as:
· Etymology:
Son of the Young

Author: Wendy K. Engela

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