Dolomite by Rhiana Moonstar

Pink/pastel/milky to clear. Clear varieties, especially pink are used to softly open and heal heart chakra.

Soothes hurt, loneliness, anxiety, etc. Facilitates giving and receiving, generosity, spontaneity, creativity, energy uplift. Calcium content strengthens bones, teeth, muscles, woman’s reproductive system; helps PMS.

Brings joy. Banishes sorrow. Calms and relaxes. Opens the heart. Works to reduce hyperactivity. Helps asthma, kidneys and adrenals. Radiate a soft energy of love that is hard not to notice. Aligns energy points.

Can also be used to provide stoppage of any energy leaks. Encourages original and creative thinking. Type A personalities are benefited as well as hyperactive children.

Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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