*Diopside, Black Star*

*AKA the Black star of India.

*Brings necessary tears, heals trauma, aids regression, crying stone

 *An intellectual stone that enhances learning through analysis and logic.
*Helps one get in touch with their feminine nature, which aids in healing the strong-willed.
*Treats weakness in the physical body and psychological disorders.
*A very creative stone.
*Said to be useful when meditating to unlock the secrets that you hold deep within you and to reveal the mysteries of magic to your conscious mind.

*Used for scrying, this stone takes you into the depths.
*Also aids in protection on the astral as well as grounding.

*Rules the feet, recovery from abuse.
*Hones memory, un-clutters the mind.
*Deep spiritual exploration, purging entities, divination, scrying.
*Resolve childhood issues, inner child.

*This mineral can be used to stimulate the intellect and can provide assistance in mathematical and analytical pursuits.
*It enhances academic learning and couples the practical side to the sciences and arts.
*It can be used as a healing stone, bring necessary tears for those that will not allow themselves to cry.
*Heals trauma, aids regression.
*An intellectual stone that enhances learning through analysis and logic.
*Helps one get in touch with their feminine nature, which aids in healing the strong-willed.
*Treats weakness in the physical body and psychological disorders.

Many Sources


Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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