
*Silicate crystal resembling topaz in configuration.
*The color ranges from colorless, yellow-white, yellow-brown to pink.
*Originally, the stone was named after the first place of discovery in the U.S., Danbury, Connecticut.
*Danburite powerfully radiates bright, pure white light and encourages one to allow his/her light to shine.

*Filling the body, mind and spirit relationships with loving light, it helps individuals to get along with one another and to maintain personal identity in difficult situations.
*It assists in bringing forth truth and honesty while strengthening the mind, nervous system, life force and awareness.
*Danburite fills the 6th and 7th chakras with joy and illumination.
*This crystal can also be programmed for particular use, whether in meditation or in healing.
*It is an excellent stone for cleansing, purification or bringing back information from the dream state or meditation.
*It has been used in disorders of the liver and gall bladder; it is helpful in the releasing of toxins from the physical body.
*Carry this crystal with you as a reminder to express joy and light in your life!
Source Unknown

Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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