Crystal & Stones Magick

So, how do Stones and Crystals work then?

Crystal are a naturally occurring form of each element, whereby the basic structure of the atoms contained within the Crystal are absolutely perfectly aligned, creating a perfect lattice, the most compact form that the elements of the Crystal can form. Although the atomic structure of Crystals wasn’t discerned until this century, people have long been drawn to the forms of Crystal that can be found, either for their beauty or how they feel to the touch. Tis only natural then that with having these Crystals around them that those sensitive to their power would begin to work out what they could be used for.

Crystals have the property of trying to instill order into whatever place they are put (look at the most accurate clocks and watches, they all make use of the property of most crystals that they will always attempt to return to their most stable state after being disturbed, in the case of a quartz watch by returning to it’s stable state after being exposed to a piezzo electric current!), so handling or being surrounded by Crystals will always have a beneficial effect.

Is the ‘power’ of the Stone/Crystal inherent in itself? Or does it come from yourself? Or does it depend upon your own power/presence to unlock it?

Good Question! Personally I believe the power is inherent in the stone itself, but does depend upon yourself to unlock it. I’m a very open minded skeptic, by which I mean I keep my mind open to things beyond my personal experience, but do feel as though I need to feel / see / hear / or otherwise perceive things to be able to fully believe in them! I’d always been very skeptical about Magick and the use of unseen forces, until one day visiting a Pagan shop I experienced the feelings from someone using a crystal wand above my hand (not once was I touched by either the Practitioner or the Wand!), he was checking my Chakra alignments, and inadvertantly ‘touched’ my sexuality! I jumped a mile, and received a very red faced apology from the Practitioner involved! (No harm was done!) Needless to say this then opened my mind to other concepts that although I’d not dismissed out of hand I hadn’t credited with the same possibilities as the more Rational things that occur in everyday mundane life!

Others do believe that the power comes from yourself, and that all the stone does is to give you a psychological key to utilizing that part of your own abilities, but in reality, it matters not where the actual power comes from, but that it can be utilized!

Needless to say, as our own beliefs do structure the fabric of the Multiverse we live in, it does depend upon your own personal beliefs and viewpoints, your own ability to suspend the more rational side of yourself, to be able to attune and use the Energy forms present within the Crystals. Only you can answer this question and allow yourself to use those energies for the purpose that you wish to!

Does the power depend upon whether you believe the stone has power or not? (ie, if a complete skeptic handled the stone, would they experience the same feelings as you, or not? And if not, is that because their own belief is then ‘blocking’ the effects of the stone? And if an open-minded skeptic were to hold it, would they experience anything? Or does it depend on how attuned (to the natural energy forms present around yourself) you are?)

Hmm, another Good Question! If a completely closed minded person were to hold it, no matter what they actually felt, their own belief structure would step in, not allowing them to experience (feel in their mind) anything at all from the stone, even if their body were to feel it working on a physical level! Tis a sad fact that too many folks are close minded, by which I mean they aren’t willing to believe in anything that doesn’t fit in with their own worldview (which of course is right for themselves, for how could ‘they’ be wrong?), and consequently loose out on what could potentially be a great boon to their lives!

I personally believe that the power is there no matter what! Whether you choose to acknowledge it by having an open mind is another thing entirely! If an open minded skeptic were to handle it, they may well experience some changes or ‘feel’ the powers of the stone (though most of the stones do require a certain amount of time in close proximity with yourself for you to be able to ‘feel’ the influences, the exceptions being Moldavite (High energy stone!), Hematite (Grounding) and Amethyst (can cure a headache quite quickly, just by resting on your third eye!)

The more in tune you are with your own Spiritual side (the more balanced you have allowed your Rational and Intuitive sides to become) the more I personally believe you will be able to gain from those powers inherent in all that surrounds us!

Again, in the last analysis, tis always up to yourself (as with most things in Wicca, and in life itself) to choose whether you will allow yourself the benefit of belief and the ability to utilize the powers that your belief then opens to you!

How do you Use the Powers of a Particular Stone then?

However you find of use to yourself! There are many different methods, ranging from just placing crystals within your environment (anything form a quartz next to your computer to soak up the electronic ‘gunk’ that emanates from it – through to placing them around your work place in the belief that they will help to bring peace and harmony to that area), meditating with the stone resting upon your body (allowing your awareness to connect with the attributes of the stone, thus inviting them into your life), through carrying one around with you (with the belief that you will draw upon it’s energy and attributes as and when necessary) and meditating within a crystal field (placing crystals around your body whilst meditating, to help clear the Chakras and for other attributes too) to using them as a part of a Spell (casting a Spell upon the Stone to empower it into a Talisman of sorts, bringing the attributes of the Spell to any that carry it with them!) I have heard of making Crystal Water, by soaking the crystal in pure spring water for 24 hours, preferably where it can be charged by Sun and Moon light, BUT please take great care when planning to drink this water that there are no soluble parts within the Crystal which may result in you being poisoned by this water! I’d also advise checking that the Crystal / stone will not be damaged by prolonged exposure to water!

Anyhow, below here is a table detailing some of the more common uses for Crystals and Stones, followed by a list of the most common Stones and Crystals along with a piccy, description and some of their Correspondances! Hope it is of some help!


Uses for Crystals

Mental, Emotional, Psychological, Relationships

Suggested Use
Calming/soothing: Suggested Stone/ Metal / Mineral
Courage/strength/fear agate, amber, aventurine, Herkimer diamond, opal, rose quartz, selenite, snow quartz, topaz, tourmaline.
Depression/grief agate, aquamarine, aventurine, charoite, fire agate, garnet, hematite, ruby, rutile, sodalite
Dispel anger amber, amethyst, aqua aura, bloodstone, Botswana agate, gold calcite, carnelian, citrine, chrysoprase, galena, jasper, jet, laguna agate, lapis lazuli, pyrite, smokey quartz
Dream Recall anglesite
Emotional disturbances/trauma Herkimer Diamonds & Moldavite
Energy/Vitality amazonite, aqua aura, bloodstone, chrysocolla, citrine, crocoite, diamond, dioptase, emerald, chrysoprase, jasper, labradorite, larimar, lepidolite, moonstone, peridot, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, smithsonite
Family problems/Unity agate, bloodstone, boji stones, chrysocolla, garnet, ruby, sulphur
General Healing citrine
Good luck/good fortune agate, amethyst, celestine, azurite, boji stones, calcite, coral, diamond, dioptase, fluorite, garnet, quartz crystals, selenite, turquoise, zircon
Intellect/creativity agate, aquamarine, aventurine, copper, jade, smoky quartz, tigers eye, malachite
Joy/Happiness apatite, aquamarine, agate, amazonite, ametrine, aquamarine, aventurine, azurite, bloodstone, celestite, chalcedony, coral, crocoite, diopside, emerald, galena, malachite, obsidian, pyrite, rose quartz, sodalite, tektite, topaz, turquoise
Love/Friendship amazonite, moonstone
Memory Barite, garnet, moonstone, opal, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, sapphire, tourmaline
Protection/breaking spells/dispel negativity emerald
Self-confidence amber, amethyst, carnelian, chrysocolla, fire agate, jade, jasper, jet, lapis lazuli, obsidian, pyrite, ruby, sardonyx, tigers eye, tourmaline, turquoise
Health – Healing And Preventative agate, citrine, dolomite, garnet, labradorite, malachite, moss agate, rhodonite, ruby, sodalite, tigers eye, tourmaline, turquoise
Suggested Use
Addiction/remove toxins & poisons Suggested Stone/ Metal / Mineral
Arthritis/ joint/ limbs/ bones amethyst, barite, botswana agate, green calcite, citrine, Herkimer quartz, moss agate
Blood/circulatory system abalone, amber, apatite, azurite, blue lace agate, carnelian, chrysocolla, copper, fluorite, malachite, petrified wood, ruby, sulphur
Ears/hearing amber, amethyst, aventurine, azurite, bloodstone, carnelian, chalcedony, chrysocolla, copper, coral, fire agate, garnet, hematite, howlite, pyrite, red jasper, kunzite, ruby, sapphire, topaz
Endocrine system amber, celestine, rhodonite
Eyes/headaches alexandrite, amber, amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, green calcite, chrysoberyl, citrine, howlite, magnetite, green obsidian, rhodochrosite
Fertility/female-male reproduction/sexual organs aventurine, aquamarine, blue lace agate, optical calcite, celestine, fire agate, jade, jet, lapis lazuli, malachite, moss agate, blue obsidian, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, sugalite, trilobite
General Healing alexandrite, anhydrite, atacamite, carnelian, chrysoprase, crocoite, cuprite, malachite, moonstone, smokey quartz, zoisite
Hair loss agate, amethyst, celestine, azurite, boji stones, calcite, coral, diamond, dioptase, fluorite, garnet, quartz crystals, selenite, turquoise, zircon
Heart aragonite, chalcopyrite, franklinite, galena
Immune system amazonite, amber, beryl, hematite, lapis lazuli, green obsidian, onyx
Intestinal/digestive amethyst, citrine, pearl, snow quartz, sulphur, topaz
Kidney/Bladder amber, aquamarine, barite, celestine, chrysocolla, citrine, pyrite, jasper, labradorite, laguna agate, moss agate, onyx, rockcrystal, smokey quartz, peridot
Muscle/muscular anhydrite, amber, bloodstone, green calcite, chrysoberyl, coral, cuprite, jade, jasper, rhodochrosite, rock crystal, smokey quartz
Nervous system abalone, amazonite, apatite, chrysocolla
Reduce harmful effects of electrical products alexandrite, amazonite, aquamarine, apatite, botswana agate, fire agate, galena, lapis lazuli, morganite, sugalite, tourmaline, peridot
Sleep disorders citrine, quartz crystal
Teeth/gums aventurine, amethyst, hematite, jacinth, sapphire, sodalite, peridot
Throat/bronchial/lung agate, amazonite, aquamarine, fluorite, malachite
Spiritual/New Age Philosophy/Psychic amber, ammonite, angelite, beryl, chalcopyrite, chrysocolla, galena, larimar, malachite, morganite, opal, tigers eye, blue topaz
Suggested Use
Balancing Suggested Stone/ Metal / Mineral
Balancing/ strengthening/ stimulating chakras agate, amethyst, ametrine, boji stones, chrysocolla, fluorite, hematite, kunzite, labrodorite, larimar, sugalite, tektite, tourmaline, unakite
Enhance the work of other crystals bloodstone, boji stone, botswana agate, chrysoberyl, chrysocolla, crocoite, cuprite, fluorite, kunzite, kyanite, obsidian
Grounding apatite, chrysoberyl, quartz
Boji stones are particularly effective when used with Herkimer diamonds
Purify home apache tears, boji stones, carnelian, cuprite, fluorite, morion crystal (smokey quartz), obsidian, smokey quartz, sulphur, unakite
Psychic/ enlightenment/ intuition chyrsocolla
Spiritual/ meditation apatite, azurite, botswana agate, celestine, green calcite, orange calcite, emerald, fire agate, garnet, hematite, pyrite, labradorite, lapis lazuli, moldavite, opal, peridot, petrified wood, quartz crystal, ruby, selenite, tektite, turquoise
Miscellaneous/Professional Aids amethyst, ametrine, aqua aura, azurite, celestine, chalcedony, chrysoberyl, chrysoprase, optical calcite, fire agate, howlite (magnetite), pyrite, jacinth. kunzite, kyanite, lapis lazuli, quartz crystal, selenite, snow quartz, sugalite, topaz, zircon
Suggested Use
Agriculture/Gardening Suggested Stone/ Metal / Mineral
Architects/Construction lepidolite
Astrology ammonite
Calms Pets angelite
Law enforcement diopside
Leadership/Management fuchsite
Mathematics/Analytical Pursuits trilobite
Plant Growth angelite, diopside, hematite
Retail/Business boji stones
  citrine, fossil, jet


Crystals & their Correspondances
Stone Appearance / Colour Correspondance


Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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