Physical properties of amethyst:

Amethyst is the most valuable stone of the quartz group, and is often found as 6 sided crystal points. Amethyst can range from light purple to deep purple as a result of trace amounts of manganese or iron.

Amethyst has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs’ scale, and a specific gravity of 2.64

Metaphysical properties of amethyst:

Amethyst is a powerful crystal, and has a wide range of metaphysical uses.

Amethyst is said to bring serenity. It has been called the “stone of contentment,” and is soothing and calming. This makes it a good stone for meditation.

Its shielding powers can ward off negative energies while attracting and amplifying positive ones. Amethyst is a good stone to help you cope with sadness and grief

It provokes honesty and uprightness. This makes amethyst a good stone for those people in the business world, though everyone can benefit from its effects.

Amethyst also stimulates inspiration. It can help you assimilate new ideas, and can help open channels to your true higher self. This makes it a good stone for those seeking spiritual growth.

Amethyst and synergy:

Amethyst is a good stone for those born during The Moon of Frost – (23 Oct – 22 Nov). Amethyst’s calming influence can help overcome the impulsiveness associated with this time, and its mentally and spiritually stimulating aspects work well with those born during this time.

Amethyst is part of the quartz group, and is able to to work with a wide range of different vibration levels and rates. This makes Amethyst a stone with a wide range of applications. Amethyst is one of the best all-around stones for a new age.

Amethyst is a good stone for people with the zodiac sign of Scorpio.





Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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