A simple robe, because not many people can sew. by Jeannette K. Waldie © 2/15/96


If you can’t thread a needle even if you’re life depended on it, you can still make yourself a functional and practical ritual robe.

The first thing you will need to do is to find out your body’s length from the bottom of your neck to the knees or ankles (which ever you prefer.) This can be done one of two ways. Have someone take a tape measurer and measure down your spinal column from the bottom of your neck (where that funny lump is) to your knees or ankles. Once you get past the derrière, keep the tape measurer straight if you were following the line of a rain coat. This will give you your length. If you can’t find someone to do this, take your favourite bathrobe or any clothing you have which is not very fitted and is long and simply measure the length from the collar to the hem along the centre of the back. This will give you your length.


Now, it’s time to sit down and do some math. Take your length and divide by 18 (Length / 18 = X). This will give you your yardage. Then it’s off to the fabric store. You will need to buy the following: X yards of 60 inch wide fabric (45 inch if you are slim and want short sleeves). Cotton or poly-cotton blend is best for this purpose. (If you buy 100% cotton fabric, add 1/4 yard to your yardage to allow for shrinkage.) 2 Yards of Ribbon or Trim to match fabric. 4 yards of 1/2 inch permanent fusible web tape (this goes by a variety of brand names) (Have the store where you buy the fabric make sure both edges are cut straight.) When you get home, wash and dry the fabric. Then iron out any wrinkles.


Now you are ready to make your robe.

Fold the fabric in half lengthways and hold it up to your shoulders to check the length. Trim off excess fabric if necessary. At one end (the short side) fold the fabric up 1/2 inch (this will make your hem). Then following the instructions on the package of fusible web, gently steam the webbing in place along the hem. Then fold again and press in place. Repeat for the other end. (See Diagram A.)


Fold the fabric into quarters making sure all edges are even and lay out on a large surface or floor. Measure three inches from the outside edge along Fold A. Then cut along the fold towards Fold B. (See Diagram B.)


To finish the neck opening, steam the fusible webbing to the wrong side of your ribbon. Then pin to neckline. Press permanently onto the neck line. (You may need to add extra webbing to each corner or V to ensure it stays in place.) You’re robe is now done! Congratulations!. To wear, simple put on over your shoulders, fold the front edges back and belt. The back hangs free like a small cape. If you want a bit more security, you can either pin the back or add ties to the edge. Note: This article was first published in the Spring Equinox 1996 issue of “The Accord,” the newsletter for Council of the Magical Arts.


Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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