
Protein is essential for normal growth, cell repair, and the production of hormones, immune cells, and muscle.
Scientists have begun to investigate the health benefits of a particular type of protein: whey protein concentrate, which is derived from milk protein. Unlike whole milk, whey protein concentrate does not contain fat, lactose (a milk sugar that can be hard to digest), or any other undesirable ingredients. What it does contain, however, are six different types of protein that have potent disease-fighting properties.

Numerous studies have shown that whey protein can enhance immune function in animals and is highly effective against common infections such as Salmonella infection and Streptococcus pneumonia. More importantly, whey protein concentrate can raise blood levels of glutathione, the body’s primary antioxidant, which is found in virtually every cell. Glutathione not only protects us against free radical attack but is instrumental in a well-functioning immune system. As we age, our levels of glutathione decline, which many researchers believe may be why we are more vulnerable to disease. For example, people with Alzheimer’s disease have lower levels of glutathione than people who do not, a finding that has led many researchers to surmise that glutathione must play a protective role against this degenerative disease. Glutathione supplements are not easily absorbed by the body; therefore, any substance that can boost glutathione is of great value.

Whether through its glutathione-enhancing effect or some other mechanism, concentrated whey protein can significantly extend life, at least in laboratory animals. According to studies hamsters fed whey protein lived 60 percent longer than hamsters fed the usual animal chow.

Author: Wendy K. Engela

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