Basics of Vodou (Lesson 2)


The lwa are immortal spirits with supernatural powers. They fall somewhere between God and the human race. They are very similar to the saints, angels and demons of Catholicism. The lwa oversee all human activities such as: marriage, childbirth, health, work, money, war, art, etc.

Lwa are divided into several groups called nanchons. There are at least 17 different nanchons but only a few are known by name.
*Rada – originated in Dahomey
*Petro – originated in Haiti
*Ibo – from on of the major Yoruban tribes
*Nago – another of the major Yoruban tribes
*Ginen – originated in Guinea
*Bambara – originated in Sudan
*Wangol – originated in Angola
*Siniga – originated in Senegal

Of these, the Rada and Petro nanchons dominate the others and have taken in the lwa of the other nations.

The Great Lwa are given realms that they rule and symbols to represent them.

Rada Name Petro Name Realm Symbol
Danbala None Wisdom and Ancestral Knowledge Serpent
Aida-Wedo None Fertility Rainbow
Papa Legba Kalfou Gateway between spiritual world and material world Cross
Ezili Freda Ezili Danto’ Love and beauty Heart
Ogou None War, fire and metalworking Machete
Agive’ Agwe’ Laflambeau Fishing and sailing Boat
Lasiren Labalenn The ocean Seashell


The family of Ogou spirits is larger than the family of any other major lwa and each aspect of Ogou takes on a slightly different role.

Aspect Principal Role
Ogou Baba Represents a military general
Ogou Badagris Lwa of the phallus
Ogou Batala Patron of surgeons and doctors
Ogou Fer Lwa of fire and war
Ogou Feray Patron of blacksmiths and metalworkers
Ogou La Flambeau Represents the fiery rage of battle
Ogou Shango Lwa of lightning
Ogou Tonnerre Lwa of thunder

Another important group of lwa is Ge’de’, death spirits. Ge’de’ is an enormous group of spirits made up of the spirits of formerly living people who after death became lwa. Below is a list of the major Ge’de’ and their symbols.

Name Symbols
Ge’de’ Black cross, skull, shovel
Baron Samedi Cross, coffin, phallus
Baron Cimetie’ Bones, cemetery
Baron Crois Cross
Maman Brijit Cemetery, elm, weeping willow


Of the Ge’de’ group the majority are male. Listed below are some of the best known Ge’de’ and the roles they play.

Name Role
Ge’de’-Brav Represent the phallus
Ge’de-Double Endows people with second sight
Ge’de’-Fouye The gravedigger
Ge’de’ Janmensou He is never drunk
Ge’de’-Loraj Protects those who dies violently, usually from gunshots
Ge’de’-Loraye Small woman who reveals herself in storms
Ge’de’-Masaka Female spirit who carries an umbilical cord and poisoned leaves in a bag
Ge’de’-Nibo Takes care of tombs
Ge’de’-Soufrant Suffering Ge’de’
Ge’de’-z’-Aragne’e’ Imitates a spider
Linto Child spirit of Ge’de’

Baron Samedi is the lord of all the Ge’de’. Maman Brijit, wife of Baron Samedi, is the guardian of cemeteries as well as being an evil spirit of black magic and money.

Although, the following lwa are still powerful and just as frequently honored. No study of the Vodou Spirits would be complete without these important lwa.

Name Realm Symbol
Azaka Agriculture Makout *
Gran Bwa Forest Tree
Loko Medicine and priesthood Red rooster
Ayizan Marketplaces and priestesses Palm frond
Simbi Freshwater and magicians Green snake
Marinette Evil works Screech owl
Bosou Male virility and black magic Bull
Agau Storms and earthquakes Thunder
Sogbo Lightning Thunderstone
Bade’ Wind Wind

* makout is a small sack made of woven straw that peasants wore to carry their tools


Every lwa has one or two days set aside to honor them, along with special colors for vodoun to wear. Here are a few examples.

Lwa Special Days Colors
Agwe’ Thursday White and blue
Ayida-Wedo Monday and Tuesday White and blue
Azaka Friday and Saturday Blue and red
Baron Samedi Saturday Black and purple
Danbala Thursday White
Ezili Tuesday and Thursday Pink and pale blue
Lasiren Thursday Blue-green
Ogou Monday, Friday, and Saturday Red
Papa Legba Friday and Saturday Red and white
Simbi Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday White and green

Besides the special days and colors the lwa have favorite foods and sacrifices.

Lwa Favorite Foods
Agwe’ White hens, white sheep, white goats dyed blue
Azaka Corn, barley, bread, rice and beans, yams
Baron Samedi Black chickens, black goats, grilled peanuts, salted herring
Bosou Fried beef, pigs
Danbala and Ayida-Wedo Pair of white chickens, eggs, rice, milk
Ezili Danto’ Fried pork, black pigs
Ezili Freda White doves, rice, sweet cakes
Ge’de’ Black rooster, black goats
Gran Bwa Bread, cornmeal, peanut cakes
Lasiren White doves
Loko and Ayizan Roosters, black or white goats, russet-colored oxen
Maman Brijit Black chickens
Marasa Baby goat stew wrapped in banana leaves, speckled hens
Marinette Chickens plucked alive, goats, black cows
Ogou Rice and red beans, red roosters, rams, bulls
Papa Legba Mottled roosters, grilled chicken, smoked meats, rice, yams, plantains, cassava
Simbi Speckled roosters, guinea fowl, turkeys, goats, pigs


Source Unknown.

Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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