The Doorway Meditation by Choalayna

TO begin, find a quiet place. Away from the phone, TV, kids, what have you. Someplace you feel comfortable and away from distractions. This could be the backyard, the beach, the bathroom, or our own special room set aside, anywhere that you can concentrate on concentrating!

HAVING made yourself comfortable, close your eyes and deliberately try to relax. Begin at your feet and move up. I try to imagine it as a venetian blind being slowly pulled up from my feet taking with it all stress and anxiety and folding it nicely in the slats. Choose an object to focus on. This could be anything from a rock to a picture. Something that feels right to you. Concentrate on this object for five minutes. Close your eyes again and try to recall the object in true clarity in your mind’s eye, your third eye.

BREATHE naturally through your nose at a steady pace. If distractions surface try not to think of them as annoyances, if you try to accept them, they won’t be annoying at all. Now, try to recall the object in your mind, the object and nothing else. When the image is able to be held, try to draw it closer and closer, keeping the detail as much as possible, until the image is entirely there, no borders, nothing else. At this point, imagine it also as a doorway. The edges of the object are the doorjambs, the center the door. Through this door is a field, a meadow, the ocean, whichever is more relaxing to you. See that image in its entirety and hold it.

NOW while holding that image, try to step through that door. This may prove very difficult to begin with, but keep trying, it will become easier. Step through the doorway to your landscape. Walk through your field and experience everything you see. Speak to the trees, the tides, the sky, the people you meet. Let your imagination go where it will. You will now find that you have breached the threshold of one level of consciousness and have arrived at your higher consciousness. It is here that you will be when you are practicing spiritual awareness.

SPEND as much time as you like, however, remember that all good things must come to an end and returning is very carefully done. It isn’t just a matter of opening your eyes, that is too much of a shock. It must be done in a manner as to ease your conscious back. Now is the time to slowly make your way to the doorway. Step back through, not rushing, seeing the doorjambs, floor, the other side of where you are. Imagine that doorway now shrinking as you step out. Imagine the object coming back into its normal size. When you are done stamp your feet. This places firmly you back in the material world.

Article by Choalayna
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Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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