
Benecol is a brand of canola-based margarine spreads and salad dressings that contain tasteless and odorless plant (phyto) chemical compounds called sterol esters. These esters, which are derived from pine trees, have been shown to lower blood cholesterol.

In practical use, Benecol is more of a functional food than a supplement. Studies have found that when it is used on a daily basis, Benecol lowers both total blood cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, the harmful component that fosters the buildup of fatty plaque in the arteries (atherosclerosis).

Nearly two dozen studies in Europe and the United States have documented Benecol’s safety and effectiveness in lowering blood cholesterol levels. It works by blocking absorption of dietary cholesterol. It has been shown to lower cholesterol even in people already following a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet. One study found that after two weeks of regular use of Benecol spread (1 tablespoon three times a day), a group of men and women experienced an average 9.4 percent drop in total cholesterol and a 14 percent drop in harmful LDL cholesterol. In contrast, levels of the beneficial HDL cholesterol were unaffected.

No safety problems have been discovered with the regular consumption of Benecol products. The products do, however, contain fat and calories. For those trying to control their weight, the products should be incorporated into a daily eating plan as part of an overall heart-healthy, low-fat, low-cholesterol diet and used as a substitute for an equivalent number of calories from other, less healthful foods. For example, a serving of regular Benecol is equivalent to a tablespoon of butter or other animal fat

Author: Wendy K. Engela

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