
Spring Equinox     

A time of balance, fertility and abundance.

In Nature :  Day and night are of equal length, but daylight is increasing – the light has conquered the darkness. The green God arises in the fields and the earth re-awakens. Energy is building as the days become warmer with promise.

Spring is DEFINITELY here – all around us are signs of new life.  The seeds have sprouted, the trees are resplendent with new leaves and there is colour everywhere. Signs of fertility and abundance abound and the spring energy seems to touch everyone.  Love is in the air… this is the time for many species of animal to breed, and even humans seem to be focused more in a romantic direction. New buds are appearing on the trees and flowers are blooming.


The God/dess :  The young God has grown into a virile and strong young male. At Ostara, we celebrate the sexual awakening of the young God. He has realised his potential and has stepped into his power. He wanders through the world, leaving a trail of colour, life and energy in his wake.  As day and night are equal, we celebrate balance – as the young God celebrates his manhood, balance is restored to the world.


The Goddess continues to grow and mature – she is bursting with potential and ready to find her consort.


The Traditions : This is a time to celebrate fertility and abundance.  What better symbols of fertility than eggs, and of course the Hare (which have nothing to do with Easter but everything to do with Ostara).  Decorating eggs, filling your home with spring flowers and throwing cheerful parties are definitely in order at this time of year.


The Energies :  Spring gives us growth energy. Those ideas we had at Yule and those “seeds” we planted at Imbolc are now starting to sprout.  Take full advantage of all the growth energy around you and make sure that you nurture your seeds, your plans and, most importantly, yourself!  Going for long walks and remembering to “stop and smell the roses” will ensure that you absorb a good dose of spring energy!


Little Extras : Ostara has nothing to do with Easter. The Christian Church appropriated the name, and attached it to their celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus, which is timed according to the Jewish Lunar Calendar (Passover or Pesach), although celebrated on different dates by the Roman and Orthodox Churches! (Remember that in the Northern hemisphere, the dates of the festivals would coincide).
It has everything to do with eggs, Mad March hares (not rabbits!!) and all symbols of re-birth. Morris Men ‘wake’ the earth by thumping the ground with their staves.


Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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